Lose Weight When Breastfeeding

Losing the baby bump is high on a lot of new moms’ list. And there’s talk out there by those who claim they lost all of their pregnancy weight simply by nursing.

Is it true that you lose weight when breastfeeding?

Losing the baby bump is high on a lot of new moms’ list. And there’s talk out there by those who claim they lost all of their pregnancy weight simply by nursing. So, is it true? Can you lose weight by breastfeeding?

Yes and no.

Yes, you can. Breastfeeding consumes a bunch of calories per day. Some say as much as 850 calories, while others more conservatively estimate between 300-500 calories. These calories are shed in two basic ways: burning them up in the manufacturing process of making milk and sharing them with the baby during nursing. And the basic rule of thumb with weight loss is you’ve got to use more calories than you take in. So, with this extra calorie-burner on your chest, there’s a potential for significant weight loss.

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But that’s where the No comes in. Generally, when we’re burning a lot of calories, our bodies are craving a lot of calories to compensate. We need to fuel the machine. So, appetite usually goes up during breastfeeding. And what do we usually crave as we nurse? Those dreaded carbs. Those killers of waistlines. 

So, as long as you’re not eating more as a result of nursing, breastfeeding is one great way to shed some pounds.

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